Introducing Stephanie Ertel

Introducing Stephanie Ertel
Director of Education and Engagement

We welcome Stephanie Ertel into the role of Director of Education and Engagement, a new position with the Crown Hill Foundation. In this role, Stephanie will oversee all of the Foundation’s educational and community programming efforts, which will include K-12 educational curriculum, state standards, and field trips; community tours and events; and publicity across all social media platforms. She will be integral in the Foundation’s efforts to grow and enhance educational opportunities and community programming to showcase the cultural, historical and natural heritage that is Crown Hill Cemetery.

Stephanie received her B.A. in elementary education from Indiana University and a Master of Curriculum and Instruction from Ball State University, earning the Dean’s award for academic excellence. She has taught for over 16 years between I.P.S., Westfield-Washington and Carmel schools. She was also department head of social studies and science for all fifth-grade teachers. She earned the Office Max “A Day Made Better” Teacher of the Year award for the Indianapolis-metro area in 2009. As an educator, she was asked by district administration to research, design, pilot and analyze new curriculum to measure students’ academic growth more accurately. Her curriculum design was later implemented across the entire K-12 Westfield-Washington school district with great success. Stephanie accepted the role at Crown Hill Cemetery in August of 2022 and is incredibly excited for the challenge and opportunities that Crown Hill has to offer diverse audiences across all age levels.