Rural Cemeteries and the Gem of Crown Hill

The Rural Cemetery Movement took hold in the United States in the early 1800s with their professionally designed landscapes with some distinctive features like plantings, winding roads, water features, and ornate tombstones. Active cemeteries like Crown Hill Cemetery face the challenge of moving forward with burials and development while honoring and preserving these character-defining features. Dr. Heidi Hohmann, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture Department, Iowa State University will explore the history of the rural cemetery movement, the gem that is Crown Hill, and techniques to move forward while respecting the past.

**CEUs for members of the International Society of Arboriculture**

Tickets: Free (registration required)- Made possible by the Cornelius O’Brien Lecture Series and the Indiana University Committee on Historic Preservation.

Location: Gothic Chapel (enter the 34th Street Gate, 3402 Boulevard Place) 

All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Register Here
Thursday, June 1
  • Free (registration required)

  • 6:30 p.m.