Celebrating Arbor Day – April 28, 2023
Celebrating Arbor Day
April 28, 2023

As an arborist, I like to live the mantra that Arbor Day is EVERY DAY. Each day we plan for, care for, and thoughtfully manage our trees in a way that reflects the ethic of the first National Arbor Holiday that celebrates hope for the future through the simple act of planting trees.

Arbor Day was first proposed in 1872 by J. Sterling Morton and officially celebrated in Nebraska in 1874. On the first Arbor Day, more than one million trees were planted with prizes for the property that held the most properly planted trees. Morton went on to become the secretary of agriculture under President Grover Cleveland and created a legacy of planting trees. His son, Joy Morton, established the Morton Salt Company and set the foundation of the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois. ArbNet, the interactive community of arboreta, was established at the Morton Arboretum in 2011.

By 1920, 45 states and territories had taken up celebrating this tree planting holiday. Today, Arbor Day is celebrated around the county and the world. It’s held at different times throughout the year, allowing communities to celebrate and plant trees when it’s most conducive for trees to survive and thrive. Indiana observes Arbor Day on National Arbor Day (the last Friday in April) each year.
The Crown Hill Tree Program provides much-needed resources to continue the legacy of planting trees at Crown Hill. As a newly accredited Level II Arboretum, we are working towards the best possible management of our existing trees and the continued planting of trees to ensure there will be beautiful mature trees at Crown Hill for generations to come.
Free Trees & Celebrate Arbor Day at Crown Hill!
We would love to see you the week of Arbor Day (April 24-28), as we will give away 100 white oak tree seedlings for you to plant at home for Arbor Day! (See details below.) And join us on Friday, April 28, as we celebrate the 151st Arbor Day!
Want to see all the trees of Crown Hill? Visit our Interactive Tree Map to explore the grounds and find your favorite trees!
We also hope to see you at our one of our many Tours and Speaker Series Lectures!
-Carrie Tauscher, Crown Hill Arboretum Director
Free Trees! Pick up a free tree seedling at the Crown Hill Waiting Station, located inside the 34th St. Gothic gate at 3400 Boulevard Place. Limit one tree seedling per household; first come, first served. Trees are bare root and should be planted the same day, if possible, for best success. Call before you dig! Call 811 at least 48 hours before picking up a tree